Welcome to Esi Photo!
Happy 1st of June! Can you believe we're already halfway through 2015?
Gee! Where does time go?
This month I've decided to take the leap and launch my photo website. It's been a (very) long time coming but thanks to the support of many who've nudged me in this direction, I've finally found the courage to share my gift with the world.
On this blog, I will share the oh so exciting adventures of my photo journey and the stories of the wonderful people I meet along the way. Look out for stories of love, parent hood, life accomplishments or perhaps other images that inspire me along the way. As my creativity evolves, so will this blog. All I know is that you're in for an exciting and spontaneous ride with me, Photographer Esi.
If you've been waiting to get started on a goal, now is the time. I've found that people will support you once you take the first step. Most of the time we're the only ones stopping ourselves from realizing our full potential. Don't let fear hold you back! Go forth and let your light shine. May the next 6 months of this year be your best yet!
Thanks again for stopping by!