Capturing Joy


The Dapper Gentleman


It's Monday and you know what that means..It's time to share Esi Photo's first Man Crush of 2016! 

Today's MCM describes himself as persistent, motivated and driven-  3 characteristics required for the pursuit of passion  and success.  

Cornelius 'Emz' George also knows as The Dapper Gentleman is a multi- talented young man, always gracing the world with his unique sense of style and class. He is the designer of handmade Beaded Mala bracelets which he was inspired to create after a tough period in his life.  

While in St. Lucia, Esi Photo had the opportunity to work with Mr. Dapper Gentleman and discover what motivates him to pursue his passions. 


Esi Photo: What drives you? 

The Dapper Gentleman:  What Drives me? ... The End Picture. I think of the end picture and keep focused on that. 

Esi Photo: What lesson would your current self share with your younger self? 

The Dapper Gentleman: Thank you for making all these mistakes then and not now.  

Esi Photo: Where do you see your future self?

The Dapper Gentleman:  Riding the Success Waves 

 More than just your average man crush, he brings style, grace and a multitude of talents to the table.  This Dapper Gentleman is definitely one to keep your eye on.


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